Found a company online free corporate form check

Important note: Completing the form does not constitute an engagement. You are merely making a non-binding request for a free initial consultation.

As part of the initial consultation, we will give you an initial assessment of the company to be founded and the correct company form. You will then receive order documents by e-mail. You can then take your time to decide whether you want to continue with us.

Details on the future name of the company
Information on the company form

Do you want to set up a GmbH or a UG? The main difference between these two forms is the minimum amount of share capital involved. While a UG has a share capital of at least 1 euro, a GmbH has a share capital of 25,000 euros, whereby at least 12,500 euros must be paid in.

Information on the object of the company

Please provide a brief description of the area in which the company to be founded will operate and which services and/or products it will offer.

Details of the company headquarters

Where should the company to be founded be based? The registered office is the official address of a company and the main administrative centre of a company.