- Specialist lawyer for intellectual property rights
- Advice at the highest level
- Specialized in warning letters in competition law
Lawyer helps with written warnings in competition law

Lawyer Peter Weiler
Lawyer Peter Weiler
Lawyer Peter Weiler Specialist lawyer for intellectual property rights
Submit your copyright warning via our contact form. Please feel free to describe the background to your case. We will usually get back to you on the day of the request.
We take a look at the warning letter. One of our lawyers specializing in cease-and-desist letters will then contact you and discuss the prospects of success of your case with you. The consultation is free of charge.
Immediately after the initial consultation, you will receive our order documents, with which we will once again confirm in writing what we have discussed. You can then consider at your leisure whether you want to continue with us.
We will start work and take the necessary steps to successfully defend you against the warning letter. We will keep you transparently informed at all times about the progress of the matter up to the final deletion.
With a warning letter due to an infringement of competition law, you are accused of violating applicable competition rules and thereby unfairly influencing the market or putting other companies at a disadvantage. The warning letter is a request from the rights holder to cease the illegal use and not to repeat it in the future.
A competition warning letter is a formal request sent by a company, association or lawyer to another company or individual to draw their attention to alleged competitive misconduct.
The aim of such a warning letter is to put an end to the offending behavior and to refrain from it in the future. Typical infringements that can be the subject of a warning letter under competition law include misleading advertising, infringements of copyright or trademark rights, unfair business practices or violations of competition law.
As a rule, the company or individual who has received a warning letter is requested to submit a declaration to cease and desist in which they undertake to refrain from the offending behavior in the future. If they do not comply with this request, the company that issued the warning letter can take legal action and claim damages.
A violation of competition law occurs when a company violates the rules of competition law. Competition law is intended to promote competition between companies and ensure that the market remains fair and transparent. There are various types of competition infringements, including cartel formation, abuse of a dominant market position and misleading advertising.
The exact rules and regulations may vary depending on the country or region, but in general, an infringement of competition law occurs when a company violates applicable competition rules and thereby puts the market or other companies at a disadvantage.
A cease-and-desist declaration is a written promise to cease the infringement of competition law and not to repeat it in the future. According to case law, the risk of repetition can only be eliminated by submitting a declaration to cease and desist with penalty clause. This means that if the cease-and-desist declaration is not signed, the claim for injunctive relief is not fulfilled. There is then a risk that the rights holder will go to court.
As a rule, the warning letter is accompanied by a pre-formulated cease-and-desist declaration with a penalty clause. However, there are different ways in which a cease-and-desist declaration can be formulated. We will be happy to advise you on this as part of our free initial consultation.
A competition law warning letter usually contains the following claims:
- Description of the infringement: The competition law warning letter contains a description of the alleged infringement of competition law. The infringement may include, for example, misleading advertising, unfair business practices or infringement of trademark rights.
- Request to cease and desist: The warning letter requests the company or person to immediately cease and desist from the alleged infringement and to submit a written cease and desist declaration.
-Setting a deadline: The warning letter contains a deadline within which the company or person must remedy the infringement and submit the cease-and-desist declaration.
- Announcement of legal action: If the company or person does not remedy the infringement within the set deadline or does not submit the required cease-and-desist declaration, the warning letter may announce that legal action will be taken, such as an injunction or legal action.
Typical warning letters in competition law are letters from associations or law firms that aim to draw a company's attention to an alleged breach of competition law regulations. The warnings are intended to ensure that the warned infringement is refrained from in the future, thus ensuring fair competition.
Nach Erhalt einer Abmahnung wegen einer Urheberrechtsverletzung ist das Wichtigste, zunächst einmal Ruhe zu bewahren. Vor allem unterschrieben Sie nichts vorschnell oder rufen Sie überhastet bei der Gegenseite an. Auch wenn der Vorwurf der Urheberrechtsverletzung im Kern wahr ist, gibt es eine Vielzahl von Verteidigungsmöglichkeiten, um den Schaden zu begrenzen.
Mueller.legal bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit einer kostenfreien Erstberatung. Profitieren Sie von unserer Erfahrung aus mehr als 10.000 wettbewerbsrechtlichen Abmahnungen. Wir kennen die Tricks und vor allem die Interessen der Abmahner und wissen, wie man den Schaden klein hält.
It depends on the lawyer. In any case, with us it costs nothing to ask how much the representation will cost: The initial consultation is free of charge.
Our priority is to ensure that our work makes economic sense for you. We want to avoid making the matter even more expensive for you than it already is by instructing us. For this reason, we generally offer our clients a fair flat fee for representation in cases of copyright infringement warnings (see right-hand column). This applies in particular to consumers. During the initial consultation, we will also discuss the costs incurred. If you do not understand something, please do not hesitate to ask. We want to make sure that you feel you are in good hands with us.
A flat fee is a fixed fee. If we work for a flat fee, we receive a one-off amount for the work agreed in the mandate (e.g. defense against the warning letter). It does not matter how long the case takes, how many letters we send or how often you contact us - all this is included in the flat fee. The amount of the flat fee depends on the individual case and we will discuss this with you during the initial consultation. Immediately after the initial consultation, you will receive an order form from us stating the amount of the flat fee. This way, you can be sure that it will not be more expensive than discussed.
Whether or not the warning letter appears justified at first glance, it does not help to bury your head in the sand or sit the matter out. The rights holder has decided to pursue the case legally and has appointed a lawyer to enforce his interests. If you do not respond, the rights holder's lawyer will at best send you another out-of-court letter and, if you still do not respond, take legal action.
Depending on the circumstances, the rights holder may even enforce his injunction claims by means of a temporary injunction. As a rule, however, the rights holder is primarily concerned with asserting claims for damages. In this case too, however, legal action must be expected, even if not immediately. Court proceedings make the matter more expensive in any case - often unnecessarily.