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Your strong partner in copyright law

Lawyer Carl Christian Müller
Lawyer Carl Christian Müller
Copyright law is a complex area of law that is constantly at the center of current social developments. New challenges have arisen, particularly in the age of digitalization and the internet, which make it necessary to review and realign copyright law.
An important aspect of this is the question of how copyrights can be protected in a digital world without restricting the freedom and openness of the internet. There are different approaches and opinions here, ranging from stronger regulation to complete freedom of use.
Another important aspect is the question of how authors can be fairly remunerated, particularly with regard to the exploitation of their works by third parties. New models and technologies such as blockchain-based systems are conceivable here, which could enable transparent and fair remuneration.</p
All in all, the discussion about a reorientation of copyright law is about finding a balance between the interests of authors, users and society as a whole and creating a balance between protection and use. Issues relating to digitalization and changes in business models must also be taken into account in order to create a copyright law that is up to date and fit for the future.